Disciplinary & Professional Suitability Panels (PSP's)

Depending on the course you are studying, one of these procedures may apply to you. Professional Suitability Procedures (PSPs) apply to students who are on a professional course which has its own code of conduct to follow alongside the University policy.

If you are invited to a meeting regarding a disciplinary or professional suitability process, it is likely that an allegation has been made that you have breached one or more parts of the procedure. An investigation will be carried out by the University to prove or disprove any allegation. If an allegation is found to be upheld, you may receive a penalty.

Both the Disciplinary and Professional Suitability processes are serious, and we would encourage you to contact us for representation ahead of any meetings.


Anyone can report a student if they feel they are not behaving appropriately. This includes staff, fellow students and members of the public. 

Disciplinary actions can be taken on any behaviour that the University feels does not meet the code of conduct. This can include behaviour to others, actions taken on campus and in halls, damage to property, use of drugs, etc. Any behaviour which could bring the University into disrepute can also be investigated. 

Professional Sustainability

Some of the most common reasons for concerns of professional suitability to be raised include:

  • Jeopardizing the reputation of any part or member of the University, profession or professional body
  • Questions about a student’s suitability to study a professional course/study at University because they believe the student to be a risk to members of the public
  • Inability to practise professionally due to misconduct or health problems, including issues relating to alcohol or drugs
  • Excessive lengthy absences or frequent absences from a programme or placement
  • Where a student develops a health condition or disability, or an existing condition or disability worsens whilst studying meaning that the student's suitability needs to be examined.

How can the Advice service help with Disciplinary or PSPs?

The Advice Service can help you with your investigation by:

  • Explaining the procedure(s)
  • Attending meetings and panels with you
  • Helping you to prepare documents and evidence ahead of any panel
  • Reading through any draft written statements
  • Ensuring that the proper procedure is followed at all times
  • Reading through panel papers and helping you to form a response