Big Ideas

Big Ideas are a way to suggest changes that you would like to see at the University and the Students' Union.

Big Ideas can cover anything from large scale academic improvements to policy changes, like boycotting Amazon.

Each Idea is presented to Student Council, and passed or declined based on what you and your student leaders think is needed. 

Once your Big Idea has been approved, you will need to convince your fellow students to vote on your idea. Ideas with 25 votes will be passed to a panel made of your Student Council.

Find out what happened to other Big Ideas

Once Ideas have been passed, our staff and officer team decide who will lead on each idea, and get to work bringing it to life. We will post regular updates which you can read once they are available. 

Read the ideas your student council passed this year

Online dissertation submissions

Passed 10th December 2021

PG Study Space

Passed 10th December 2021

Wellbeing tile on moodle

Passed 10th December 2021

Improve mental health services across campus 

Passed 10th December 2021

If you would like to submit a Big Idea, but unsure how to present it, you can use our handy guide.

You can use this template to help you outline, propose and measure your big idea. Whether it is a new or changed policy proposal, campaign, or just general idea regarding your student experience, follow the steps below and submit via the CSU website.

1. Big Idea Name

You can call it whatever you want, keep it simple, and to the point.

i.e., Waffle Week

2. Reason for idea

What has happened/what is the data?

i.e. Did you know that currently only 1% of individuals eat waffles on a weekly basis, waffles have been proven to be delicious, and make people happier. You can also provide references if you like.

3. What you propose

What would you like to do?

i.e. I propose to raise awareness of waffles, and run waffle mornings for staff and students to attend, and eat waffles together in delicious waffle heaven.

Be specific with who you would like to act on this. Is it something the University needs to change/ Council / Union

4. What you aim to achieve?

i.e., I aim to increase the number of people who eat waffles as they are delicious.