Student Leaders Conference

Ready to level up your leadership game? The Student Leaders Conference is your ultimate week of inspiration, connection, and skill-building, brought to you by Chester Students' Union! Whether you're a seasoned pro (Student Voice Reps/Partners, Student Council Officers, Society Committees - we’re looking at you 👀) or just curious about stepping into the spotlight, this event is packed with epic talks, hands-on workshops, and loads of chances to meet awesome, like-minded people. Come for the leadership glow-up, stay for the good vibes - let’s make it happen! 🚀

How to get involved

Attend one (or all) of our engaging events! All free, all for you.


What's next?

I'm sure you've heard about the best graduate job (or volunteering opportunity) out there - the Student Leader Elections! Nominations open on the 12th February for President, Vice President Education, and Vice President Student Life, as well as Student Council roles. Find out about the Student Leader Elections (and nominate yourself!)

Make sure to follow us on Instagram - @chesterstudentsunion - for the latest news.