Every year you elect three full-time, paid positions: President, Vice President Education, and Vice President Student Life. They focus on improving the lives of students on everything from the academic experience to events.
Part-time Officers are also elected in these elections. They represent a certain area or demographic of the student body in our Student Council and help make decisions on policy, feed back ideas and issues from students to CSU, as well as hold the full-time Officers to account.
Nominations for all positions open on the 12th February 2025. Find the link in your student email to nominate yourself before the 25th February at 4pm!
It's easy to nominate yourself - all you need is a short manifesto and a photo.
For part-time Officer roles, you must be a fully registered UoC student from when you submit your nomination until June 2026.
For full-time Officer roles, you must have been a UoC student at least 3 months before nominations close and remain a student until at least the time of election. If you are still studying for your degree after 1st July 2025, you will have to interrupt your studies for a year to undertake this role.
Click on the links below to download the role descriptions for each position.
Vice President Education role description
Vice President Student Life role description
Part-time Officer role description
This year, the following roles will be elected onto Student Council:
To nominate yourself for these roles (with the exception of Chair and Open Seats), you must identify with the community you will be representing. For example, The Transgender & Gender Diverse Students' Officer would be someone who is transgender or gender diverse themselves.
Check back here once nominations have closed to view your 2025 Student Leader Elections candidates!
Voting opens at 9am on 13th March 2025 and closes at 1pm on 14th March 2025. Come back here when voting opens, or check your student email for a direct link!
A results night will be held on 14th March 2025 at 6pm in the Union1839 Bar on Exton Park campus.
Of course! You'll need to extend your student visa if you are elected into a full-time position, but this will be sorted out with the StudyVisa team at the university.
A full-time Officer role requires a great deal of commitment, and you will need an understanding of the University and its students before you can successfully undertake the role. We require a minimum of three months experience as a student at UoC because it gives you time to understand what should be on your manifesto and what matters to UoC students.
The Democracy and Campaigns Coordinator is on-hand for any questions or problems you have. Get in touch via csuelections@chester.ac.uk, or pop into the CSU office on Exton Park campus between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. Once your nomination is confirmed, you will be added to a Teams channel with every candidate as well as CSU staff. This will be updated frequently, and has useful information readily available.
You can join with other candidates to campaign as a group, but you will still be on the ballot separately, meaning you may not all be elected together.
Part-time Officers are voluntary positions, but the three full-time Officers are paid a full-time wage of £23,881 per year, with this likely to increase in August.
No day is the same! You'll be working normal office hours (Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm), but you'll often be organising events or activities outside of these hours, or taking trips as part of the role. Each role is so varied, which means you might be in an important committee meeting in the morning, chatting to students at lunchtime, attending Student Council in the afternoon, followed by hosting a games night! Expect the unexpected...
As well as full-time salary, you'll also be enrolled on the pension scheme and get the usual annual leave entitlements. CSU also offer flexible working, so if you stay late on Monday, you can usually come in late on Tuesday. You can also join societies and sports teams for free!
First, brush up on your knowledge about what CSU do! Full-time Officers lead the Union and represent the 13000+ students here at Chester. Part-time Officers hold them to account as well as representing the interests of certain demographics or communities, making sure their issues and feedback is heard by CSU and the Officers.
Each Officer role is held for a year, from July 1st until June 30th the following year. If you're elected in a By-Election, it may be slightly less than a year. You can be a full-time Officer for two years maximum, and you would have to be re-elected for the second year. There's no limit to how many times you can run for a part-time Officer position!
Of course! You can run as a part-time Officer as soon as you start university. If you want to run for a full-time position, you would need to have been at UoC for 3 months before our nominations close to be eligible. If you still have part of your degree left to complete by the 1st July, you would need to interrupt your studies for a year to undertake the full-time roles.